International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

👉 04 JUNE

👶🏻 International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
       🎩 Don't Confused 🎩
👶🏻 International Missing Children’s Day - 25 May
👶🏻 World Day Against Child Labour - 12 june
👶🏻 National Children Day - 14 Nov 
👶🏻 Universal Children Day - 20 Nov 
👧🏻 National Girl Child Day - 24 Jan 
👧🏻 International Girl Child Day - 11 Oct
▪️Founded - 24 oct 1945
▪️HQ - New york USA
▪️S.G - Antonio Guterres (Portugal)
▪️Deputy S.G - Amina J Mohammad (Nigeria)
▪️MC - 193
